Pubblicato il nuovo numero della rivista scientifica edita dall'INGV, Annals of Geophysics (vol. 64, n. 1, anno 2021)
Magnetic signatures of subsurface faults on the northern upper flank of Mt Etna (Italy)
Rosalba Napoli, Gilda Currenti, Antonino Sicali
Images of ancient Calabrian-Sicilian earthquakes from a stereoscopic viewer of the early 20th century. The ethics behind a natural disaster photo-gallery
Franco Foresta Martin, Silvia Peppoloni, Patrizia Tosi, Valerio De Rubeis, Paola Sbarra, Sonia Topazio
PGS1, a new low cost and low power Portable Geophysical Station "All in One". Design and test
Antonio Costanza, Gioacchino Fertitta, William Yang, Giuseppe D'Anna, Claudio Chiarabba
The new Italian seismic hazard model (MPS19)
Carlo Meletti, Warner Marzocchi, Vera D'Amico, Giovanni Lanzano, Lucia Luzi, Francesco Martinelli, Bruno Pace, Andrea Rovida, Matteo Taroni, Francesco Visini, MPS19 Working Group