Pubblicato un nuovo numero della rivista scientifica edita dall'INGV, Annals of Geophysics Vol. 66 No. 3-4 (2023) (pubblicato ilo 27/10/2023)
- A MATLAB toolbox for computation of velocity and strain rate field from GNSS coordinate time series, Giordano Teza, Arianna Pesci, Marco Meschis
- Development of Synthetic Ground Motion-based Attenuation Relationship for Bihar Region for Seismic Ground Response Analysis Considering Central Seismic Gap, Prabhakar Kumar, Shiv Shankar Kumar, Harinarayan Nelliparanbill Hareeshkumar
- Geophysical and geological signatures of an unknown fault in the historic center of Messina (Sicily, south Italy), Paolo Pino, Silvia Scolaro, Antonino Torre, Sebastiano D'Amico, Giancarlo Neri, Debora Presti

- Recent seismicity in the Messina area, southern Italy, and comparison to the local geology and tectonics, Giancarlo Neri, Barbara Orecchio, Paolo Pino, Debora Presti, Silvia Scolaro, Antonino Torre

- Improvement in Near Surface NWP Model Output using Kalman Filtering Technique: A Case Study for Trombay Site, Roopashree Shrivastava, Indumathi Srinivasan Iyer, Rajendrakumar Balkrishna Oza