Open Access: High resolution morphometric analysis of the Cordone del Vettore normal fault scarp (2016 central Italy seismic sequence): Insights into age, earthquake recurrence and throw rates

marche faglie analisi morfometrica terremoti sismica

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Article | Open Access Available online 18 May 2021

S. Pucci, L. Pizzimenti, R. Civico, F. Villani, C.A. Brunori, D. Pantosti

High resolution morphometric analysis of the Cordone del Vettore normal fault scarp (2016 central Italy seismic sequence): Insights into age, earthquake recurrence and throw rates

Geomorphology, Volume 388, 2021, 107784, ISSN 0169-555X, ( 


  • Morphometric analysis of normal fault scarp from high-resolution DSM
  • Calculation of long-term throw distribution of a seismogenic normal fault
  • Correlation of a post-glacial offset geomorphic marker with deglaciation phases
  • Average throw rate of ~0.8 mm/a for a Late Pleistocene normal fault scarp
  • Average recurrence time interval of ~1100 a for repeating surface faulting

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© 2021 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V. This is an open access article under the CC BY license (
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