Antonielli, B.; Bozzano, F.; Fiorucci, M.; Hailemikael, S.; Iannucci, R.; Martino, S.; Rivellino, S.; Scarascia Mugnozza, G.
Engineering-Geological Features Supporting a Seismic-Driven Multi-Hazard Scenario in the Lake Campotosto Area (L'Aquila, Italy).
Geosciences 2021, 11, 107.
This paper aims to describe the seismic-driven multi-hazard scenario of the Lake Campotosto artificial basin (Abruzzo Region, Central Italy), and it can represent a preparatory study for a quantitative multi-hazard analysis. A comprehensive multi-hazard scenario considers all the effects that can occur following the base ground shaking, providing a holistic approach to assessing the real hazard potential and helping to improve management of disaster mitigation. The study area might be affected by a complex earthquake-induced chain of geologic hazards, such as the seismic shaking, the surface faulting of the Gorzano Mt. Fault, which is very close to one of the three dams that form the Lake Campotosto, and by the earthquake-triggered landslides of different sizes and typologies. These hazards were individually and qualitatively analyzed, using data from an engineering-geological survey and a geomechanical classification of the rock mass. With regard to the seismic shaking, a quantitative evaluation of the seismic response of the Poggio Cancelli valley, in the northern part of Lake Campotosto, was performed, highlighting different seismic amplification phenomena due to morphologic and stratigraphic features. Some insights about the possible multi-hazard approaches are also discussed.
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Engineering-Geological Features Supporting a Seismic-Driven Multi-Hazard Scenario in the Lake Campotosto Area (L'Aquila, Italy)