HEC-RAS 6.0.0 Beta, nuova versione del software di modellazione idraulica

hec-ras modellazione idraulica idraulica

GEOCORSI E-learning

Disponibile la nuova versione del software HEC-RAS sviluppato all'Hydrologic Engineering Center (HEC) della U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE).  

HEC-RAS è un software utilizzato per la modellazione mono e bidimensionale di reti di canali naturali e artificiali.

Sulla nuova release, queste le parole di Gary Brunner, Lead Developer di HEC-RAS"I am very happy to announce that we just release HEC-RAS 6.0.0 Beta.This version represents the most significant release of HEC-RAS since the original 5.0 release that contained 2D modeling capabilities. This Beta version is being placed on our normal web page, and will be available for anyone to download and try out. As HEC-RAS Beta Testers, you are hearing about it first through this email. The Beta test period will last approximately three months, depending on how many bugs are found and the time needed to fix them. New documentation comes with the software (PDF files), but we now also have an online presence for documentation. The online documentation has an area for "Known Issues". We will be keeping this up to date as issues are discovered in the Beta version. So please monitor this page before sending us any bugs you find. You can also get to the Bug Report portion of the RAS web page from the Know Issues page, or go directly to the normal HEC-RAS web page to send us any bugs you find".


HEC-RAS 6.0.0 Beta -> Vai alla pagina Download (Release NotesUser's Manual)

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